DACA: A Second Chance At Life

Daca Journey
Daca Journey 2
Daca Journey 3
Daca Journey 4

Weight Loss Details

Procedure: Sleeve Gastrectomy

Surgery Date: July 2014

Pre Surgery Weight: 125kg

Current Weight: 62kg

Why Choose Dr Lockie

I chose Dr Lockie's Practice due to a recommendation from a family member.

DACA's Weight Loss Journey

My Second Chance

July 2014 was the month I got my second chance at life. I truly believe that if I never had bariatric surgery, I wouldn't be here today. I was essentially a ticking time bomb with a growing list of health issues.

Great Care From Dr Lockie Before and After Surgery

Meeting Dr Lockie and his amazing team, had me well prepared, both months before my surgery and until this very day, to live with my gastric sleeve.

It hasn't always been easy with re-educating myself about my new relationship with food. They may take a large part of your stomach, which limits your food intake but the hardest part I have found is dealing with the mental aspect of my food addiction.

Tools To Succeed From Dr Van Vuuren and the Support Group

My success is largely due to Dr Lockie's Weight Loss Support Group that is held monthly and run by Dr Michele VanVuuren. Dr Michele has given me the tools to handle any situation that has arisen in my life.

My mother was diagnosed with Motor Neurone Desease in 2016 and my first reaction in dealing with her disease, and her subsequent passing, was to spiral into over eating.

I felt like a failure. Then I started to remember all the tools that Dr Michele had given me and the weight started to fall off.

I can now say that I lost the 25kg I gained during this period, plus I lost a further 12kg.

Now Comfortable With Who I Am

I have been successfully maintaining my weight and have also had plastic surgery to remove my excess skin.

I am, for the first time in my life, learning to love the skin I'm in.


    Free Consultation

    With Shirley Lockie. Book Now Consultations are conducted by Shirley Lockie free of charge, to provide information on the types of surgery available and the program appointments.


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