LuckyMe: From Yoyos To Weights

Shirley Was Amazing And Sealed The Deal

LuckyMe Before Later
LuckyMe Before Later
LuckyMe Before Later

Weight Loss Details

Procedure: Gastric Bypass Surgery

Date: May 2015

Pre Surgery Weight: 135 kgs

Current Weight: 89 kgs

Why Dr Lockie

I choose Dr. Lockie as his team was extensive. I am still regularly followed up yearly for blood etc. Other friends that went with different surgeons had little to no follow up, post-op.

Shirley was amazing and sealed the deal for me. I was so nervous, but she put all my fears to rest.

LuckyMe's Weight Loss Journey

I have been from 45 kg all the way to 135, and I was forever yoyoing back and forth. Finally, I looked into surgery and had my first sleeve in 2015. Unfortunately I had absolutely horrendous reflux, and went with a bypass a couple of years later, as I was really trying to avoid having another surgery.

Now best thing ever, I have no reflux and weight is pretty much stable around 86 -89kg. I eat whatever I want but in much smaller versions, and discovered I love lifting weights. Who knew?


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