Kelly: A New Lease On Life

A New Normal - A New Outlook

Kelly Before 6 months
Kelly Before later
Kelly Before After 12 months
Kelly Before After

Weight Loss Details

Procedure: Gastric Bypass

Surgery Date: February 2021

Pre Surgery Weight: 18 kgs

Current Weight: 66 kgs

Why Choose Dr Lockie

I was able to have a consultation to get more information without locking in a date and that was really helpful.

Also having an all around approach with Dr Lockie's Practice including a dietitian and psychologist was important to me.

Kelly's Weight Loss Journey

No Long Term Weight Loss

I had struggled with my weight since my teens and had tried a lot of different approaches to weight loss - dieting, life style changes, personal training etc. While they had helped short term I didn't find any of them successful for myself long term.

I was sick of yo-yo'ing up and down and had a few colleagues with successful Gastric sleeve stories. I looked into it and went to Dr Lockie with the intention of having sleeve surgery.

Dr Lockie Provided The Lifeline

After discussions with Dr Lockie and the dietitian and psychologist we decided to go with a gastric bypass for a few different reasons. I had mild reflux pre surgery and also I was more of a snacker, not a 'large plate' eater.

My recovery from surgery was fairly non eventful. Following the plan worked out with my dietitian I slowly increased the type and amount of food I was able to eat.

Gradually Adjusting To A New Normal

I am now 2 years post op and able to eat most foods, just smaller portions. Some days I eat a little and some days I tend to eat more.

I occasionally still over do it and have 'dumping' pains but these are becoming less frequent. I have lost 52kg and have a healthy bmi. I have been this weight for 9-12months and have maintained it.

I have a lot more energy and have resumed 2 of my favourite team sports and even get to play with my teenage daughter which is a lot of fun. My health has improved and so has my outlook!

Control Is In My Hands

I have been asked by friends recently - If you had a chance again would you still have the surgery? My answer is 100% yes.

I was fortunate to have a great surgical team and my recovery has been non eventful. I have a new lease on life and I feel I have used the surgery as a tool to regain control of my life.


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    With Shirley Lockie. Book Now Consultations are conducted by Shirley Lockie free of charge, to provide information on the types of surgery available and the program appointments.


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