Importance of Our Two-year Multi-Disciplinary Program

Two-year Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Permanent Weight Loss

At Phil Lockie Surgery your support doesn’t stop once surgery is complete, we follow a two-year, multi-disciplinary approach to ensure you get the most out of your procedure. It is important to remember that surgery isn’t a quick fix, there are significant dietary, psychological and lifestyle changes required post-surgery. During our two-year program we aim to address any weight gain at an early stage, improve long term weight and psychosocial outcomes, and assist patients to achieve and maintain optimal weight loss.

Our multi-disciplinary approach involves the surgeon, dietitian and psychologist. We ensure that all follow-up appointments coincide with your routine pathology so that we can review the results and address any concerns in a prompt matter. At each check-up relevant information to your recovery will be discussed, at 3 months we discuss managing hair loss and at 6 months coping with the return of hunger. All of our patients also have access to a monthly, complimentary weight loss support group.

Follow Up Is Vital

Your progress is important to us, we supply a range of services to ensure you succeed in your weight loss journey. Sticking to your scheduled follow-ups is essential to your health and maintaining your weight. Along with numerous studies and first-hand experience those who don’t attend their appointments are more likely to gain weight post-op.

A recent study indicates that as many as 50% of patients don’t attend their follow-up appointments and therefor no matter how good their surgery was, they didn’t benefit as well. Studies showed that after one-year type 2 diabetes remission rates were 62% in the group who completed follow-up and 57.5% in the group with incomplete follow-up. The completed follow-up group also had greater improvements in blood pressure and cholesterol.

The importance of follow-up appointments and post-operative care is immense, it’s the difference between an average result and a great result. Our clinic doesn’t just look at your weight loss, we also ensure you are progressing mentally, emotionally and physically. It allows us to possibly spot potential barriers before you see them coming. We review your latest lab work and provide a supportive environment where you can talk about your journey and ask questions.

Get Started Here

We want to see you succeed in your weight loss journey. Contact us today for a free, no obligation appointment with Shirley Lockie, our SCOPE certified PNSA, and see how we may be able to help you.


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