Weight Loss Surgery Recovery: What Should You Expect?

If you’re booked in for bariatric surgery, you’ve probably thought a lot about what life will be like after.

You’re likely looking forward to weight loss and improvements to your overall health, but before that, comes post-operative recovery.

Following surgery, your body needs to heal and adjust to the changes in your digestive system.

Dr. Phil Lockie and his team have supported many clients through weight loss surgery. We understand it can come with a lot of questions and maybe a few concerns.

We’re here with you through every stage of your journey from pre-op to well after your procedure.

Here we explain what you can expect for your recovery from weight loss surgery, some of our most frequently asked questions, plus our best tips for a smooth recovery.

How Long Will Recovery Take?

Recovery from surgery varies from person to person. The length of your recovery depends on what type of weight loss surgery you’ve had, pre-existing conditions, and your body's healing capabilities.

For most people, surgery is performed laparoscopically (keyhole). Following this surgery, you can expect to spend 2 or 3 days in hospital. Generally, we’ll aim to get you up and about, walking around, within a couple of days and returning to normal activities in 2 to 5 weeks.

We recommend you take the week of surgery off work and the following week if you can, then return to normal activity slowly and gently.

If your surgery is performed using an ‘open’ technique, you can expect your recovery to take a little longer.

What Can I Eat After Surgery?

Following your surgery, you’ll need to eat small frequent meals. Your stomach won’t be able to hold as much as it did before.

You’ll start slowly, with liquids, then build up to solid food.

On the day of surgery, you’ll just have sips of water.

The day after you’ll start a clear fluid diet, including things like clear soups and apple juice.

The next day you’ll move to a free fluid diet. This is the diet you’ll go home on and continue for the next couple of weeks. This will include things like custard, yogurt, and purees.

What About Water?

Some people experience dehydration following weight loss surgery. This may have several causes, including feelings of fullness (making it difficult to drink) and nausea.

To avoid dehydration, we recommend:

  • Keep your water bottle with you and take small sips regularly.
  • Avoid drinks like tea and coffee. They’ll make you wee more, contributing to dehydration.
  • If you’re feeling too full or nauseated to drink, try sucking on ice chips.
  • Aim to drink 2 litres of water each day.

Remember, you’re welcome to contact Dr. Lockie's team if you have concerns following your surgery. If you’re struggling to take in enough water and you’re concerned about dehydration, give us a call.

Will I Have Follow-up Appointments?

Yes, you’ll have follow-up appointments with Dr. Lockie and his team. We’ll continue to support you for a while after surgery, following you as you progress and monitoring your well-being.

Your first follow-up appointment will be two or three weeks following surgery.

At this appointment, we’ll check your weight and assess how your incisions are healing. We’ll also chat about your nutrition, assess how you’re tolerating food and make a plan for your diet.

From there you’ll continue to have regular appointments where we discuss your diet and exercise and track your BMI.

These appointments are an opportunity for you to ask questions or discuss concerns, but remember, if you have any urgent questions or concerns you can call us at any time.

What Exercises Can I Do And What Should I Avoid?

Exercise is vital to any weight loss journey, however, you should build up your activity slowly and gently in the immediate postoperative period.

Allow yourself time to rest and heal. Avoid strenuous activity for 3 to 5 weeks following your procedure. Wait for approval before starting your exercise regime.

We recommend you just start with walking in the days following your surgery and slowly build up the distance you’re walking each day.

How Do I Look After My Cuts?

Your cuts will have stitches deep under the skin as well as either glue or stitches on top. Your dressing will come off after about 5 days. After this it's fine to leave your cuts uncovered, just keep them clean and dry.

You can shower as normal. Don’t worry about getting your cuts wet, just gently pat them dry with your towel after.

Be sure not to touch or pick at your wound. If you have stitches, they will dissolve in time. If you have glue, it will peel away in a couple of weeks.

Should you notice any redness, inflammation, or if your wound feels hot to touch, give us a call.

How Can We Help?

Are you considering weight loss surgery?

Are you booked in for surgery and still have questions?

Are you currently recovering from your procedure?

We can help.

Dr. Phil Lockie and his team have supported many people through bariatric surgery. We understand it can be worrying and confusing, we are here to support you.

Contact us today to learn more.

We also offer a no obligation, Free Bariatric Oriention to provide all the information you need to help inform you.


*All information is general and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Dr. Phil Lockie can consult with you regarding your individual health needs.


HealthDirect. (2022). Guide to Weight Loss Surgery.



AHPRA disclaimer

*All information is general in nature, patients should consider their own personal circumstances and seek a second opinion. Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks

Note From Dr Lockie

Medications will be assessed pre-operatively and post-operatively. With weight-loss and particularly after surgery, comorbidities can change for the better, particularly e.g., hypertension or diabetes. It is essential for your health that medications are discussed with you, your GP and/or any other specialists such as Cardiologist or Endocrinologist etc.

In addition, use of multivitamins, and alternative supplements should be discussed with the practice to promote your better health.

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