Weight Loss Support Group Summary - April 2023

Here is a brief report from the last Support Group meeting on 24th April, 2023.

The takeaway message from the group was:

  1. Moderation is the key to long term change with regards to the relationship with food. Eating in moderation may minimize feelings of deprivation. Practising restrictive eating leads to loss of control eating
  2. Be cognizant of striving for perfection, it is a mindset that perpetuates feelings of failure. Instead, the group recommended that, "You can be kind to yourself and accept that bariatric surgery is a learning process. You cannot travel back in time to fix your mistakes, but you can learn from them and forgive yourself for not knowing better or struggling to implement what you know” (Support Group participants 24 April 2023)
  3. The holistic team approach is valuable and attending follow up appointments with all our team members is important. For example, a patient reported that Dr Lockie had identified an important irregular blood result that was not surgery related.

Dr Michele Van Vuuren

The May Support Group is on May 29th 2023 at North-West Private Hospital

To view the current Support Group schedule, please click here.

If you would like to attend the Support Group but are currently not a patient of Dr Lockie, avail yourself of the free, no obligation Initial Consultation here to become eleigible.


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